Earn and redeem Love Points
Want to earn some extra rewards? Join our loyalty program and start racking up points that you can redeem for coupons! It's easy to participate – simply engage with our website and community in a variety of ways. And if you're not interested in earning points, you can always use the code LOVESALE at checkout for $100 off your next purchase.
How to earn
Ready to start earning? Here's a breakdown of how you can accumulate Love Points:
- Become a member: +1200 LP
- Post a comment: +5 LP
- Like a gallery: +1 LP
- Write a customer review
- text only: +300 LP
- with photos or videos: +500 LP
- Visit the website for
- 2 continuous days: +1 LP
- 3 continuous days: +2 LP
- 4 continuous days: +3 LP
- 5 continuous days and onward: +4 LP
- Make a purchase: +1 LP for every dollar spent
Redeem your Love Points
$30.00 Coupon
Use this coupon on your next purchase to get $30.00 off.
Valid for dolls, torsos or heads purchase only and cannot be used with other coupons.
$100.00 Coupon
Use this coupon on your next purchase to get $100.00 off.
Valid for dolls, torsos or heads purchase only and cannot be used with other coupons.
$120.00 Coupon
Use this coupon on your next purchase to get $120.00 off.
Valid for dolls, torsos or heads purchase only and cannot be used with other coupons.
$150.00 Coupon
Use this coupon on your next purchase to get $150.00 off.
Valid for dolls, torsos or heads purchase only and cannot be used with other coupons.